Maturity Matrix

Maturity Matrix for government portals

Our maturity model for digital public service portals is based on insights from Estonia’s state portal,, plus other digital gateways and state service platforms. It distinguishes between portals that are information-centric and those that offer end-to-end service to users. It allows for a comparison of approaches in terms of service value and user outcomes.

In brief

The maturity model explains what personalized government means in practice. It helps evaluate the maturity level of state information portals and offers benchmarks for those moving toward digitally advanced government. The ultimate goal: a personalized approach for states to deliver public services to their citizens.
Matrix elements


  • Maturity measurements: From first-level information portals to fourth-level personalized services

  • Desired characteristics: Human-centricity, accessibility, proactiveness, trustworthiness, empowerment

  • Parameters and development stages for characteristics and focus areas

See Personal Government from a citizen’spoint of view – how government and state service portals can impact citizens’ trust and government efficiency.

These are the essential capabilities for meeting goals:

  • Ability to create trust in personalized services by providing data ownership, control, and transparency to the citizen.
  • Citizens must be presented with opportunities and obligations, not services and authorities. Through platform services, a government opens the market for offering value-added public services.
  • Wide application of AI to provide human-centric and efficient public services.
  • Continuous renewal of services to ensure efficiency, effectiveness, and public approval.
These capabilities are technologically possible or within reach of near-term development.


Available on demand: The future of Tax Administration

Watch our insightful virtual discussion with industry experts as we explore the future of tax administration in the post-digital age. Discover how tax authorities will shift their role from revenue collection to becoming entities that create trust and empower economies.

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