
OmaVero korvasi suurimman osan Suomen Verohallinnon sähköisistä palveluista

Nortal toteutti yhdessä yhdysvaltalaisen ohjelmistotuoteyhtiö FAST Enterprisen kanssa Verohallinnon järjestelmäuudistuksen, jossa noin 70 elinkaarensa päässä ollutta verotukseen liittyvää it-järjestelmää korvattiin yhdellä valmisohjelmistolla. Verohallinnon historian suurimmassa muutoshankkeessa, Valmis-hankkeessa, uudistettiin koko Suomen verotusjärjestelmä vuosien 2013–2020 aikana.




  1. When a child is born, the entry made in the population register will activate all follow-on services without the parents having to apply. The proposal directs the parent to a self-service portal where they can accept the offer with the click of a button.
  2. The parents are informed of the benefits they are entitled to, the sum they are entitled to, the calculations their benefits are based on, when the benefits are paid out, and what they should do next.
  3. To allow this, an automated system based on complex algorithms operates in the background. This system supports a comprehensive data analysis, comprising more than 80 unique conditions to consider, which creates detailed information concerning who is eligible for benefits and in what amount. When family conditions change, the system validates data via various registers to approve the benefits and the entitled sums.
  4. Furthermore, Estonian digital services are based on the once-only principle, meaning that the government can ask citizens for their information only once. When needed, the same information can be requested by other public administration offices via secure data exchange.

Proactive services, thus, utilize the databases and registries that already hold extensive information about citizens. When the proposal for benefits is sent proactively, all the data is collected from these databases, making it unnecessary for the citizen to provide that same information repeatedly. Once a country defines the problem and identifies the target group, it can quickly deliver benefits to those in need.



  1. When a child is born, the entry made in the population register will activate all follow-on services without the parents having to apply. The proposal directs the parent to a self-service portal where they can accept the offer with the click of a button.
  2. The parents are informed of the benefits they are entitled to, the sum they are entitled to, the calculations their benefits are based on, when the benefits are paid out, and what they should do next.
  3. To allow this, an automated system based on complex algorithms operates in the background. This system supports a comprehensive data analysis, comprising more than 80 unique conditions to consider, which creates detailed information concerning who is eligible for benefits and in what amount. When family conditions change, the system validates data via various registers to approve the benefits and the entitled sums.
  4. Furthermore, Estonian digital services are based on the once-only principle, meaning that the government can ask citizens for their information only once. When needed, the same information can be requested by other public administration offices via secure data exchange.

Proactive services, thus, utilize the databases and registries that already hold extensive information about citizens. When the proposal for benefits is sent proactively, all the data is collected from these databases, making it unnecessary for the citizen to provide that same information repeatedly. Once a country defines the problem and identifies the target group, it can quickly deliver benefits to those in need.

keskitetty järjestelmä veroasioiden hallinnointiin
vuosittaiset kustannussäästöt
vuoden projektipalkinnon voittaja

OmaVero on palkittu ja kansalaisten kiittämä palvelu

Verohallinto ylläpitää Suomen tärkeintä palvelua. Siksi verotusjärjestelmän uudistaminen on ollut laaja, monitahoinen hanke, jossa on onnistuttu erinomaisesti. Osoituksena tästä, Valmis-hanke voitti vuoden 2020 projektipalkinnon: hanke toteutui aikataulussa, kustannukset pysyivät hallinnassa ja lopputulos ylitti odotukset. 



Furthermore, due to proactive services, state officials have more resources to direct their efforts into providing quality service and information to citizens. When automated processes take care of most of the standard cases, state officials have more time to pay attention to special cases. For example, when people eligible for benefits would not apply, whether by lack of awareness or other reasons, thereby reducing the number of non-take-up cases.


keskitetty järjestelmä veroasioiden hallinnointiin
vuosittaiset kustannussäästöt
vuoden projektipalkinnon voittaja
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vierailevaa käyttäjää ensimmäisenä päivänä